COVID-19 has become part of our daily lives, whether we like it or not. On top of that, so have increased levels of stress.
However, we don’t have to be stressed all the time. Why should we be? But how do we manage it, keep it low? What types of natural stress relief is out there for us?
Well, we organized the best ways to manage stress so that you don’t have to! Our top five list of stress relievers can be used anytime, anywhere. We’ve definitely found some peace with these tips. And we hope you will too.
1. Prioritize Self Care
Now more than ever, we must put our mental and emotional well-being first. And while everyone has different ideas of what self-care is, these are some of our favorite methods!
Establishing a Routine
- Humans love routine. We thrive in it. COVID-19 has thrown routine out the window. So it’s up to us to provide routine for ourselves. According to Darren Hardy, author of “The Compound Effect”, as long as you start and end your day with an established routine, the middle can belong to whatever it wants. Find what works for you and stick to it!
Adequate Amounts of Sleep
- The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Sleep boosts your immune system, prevents weight gain, improves your mood, productivity and more. So do your best to reach your ideal levels of sleep, because your body will thank you.
Regular Exercise
- Regular exercise can positively increase serotonin levels in your brain, boosting your sense of well-being. It can improve appetite and sleep cycles, which are often negatively affected by depression.
- It can also improve memory and thinking skills through the promotion of brain plasticity.
2. Set Time Aside For Leisure Activities & Hobbies
Ever had something you always wanted to do but never had the time? Now’s the time to do it!
Life is a balance of work and play. And we tend to forget that. Do what makes you happy on a regular basis, even if it’s one activity a day. This could be reading, journaling, baths, yoga, meditation, etc. This will work wonders for your stress levels.
Most of these activities can also be done outside and this is highly recommended. Nature really is the best healer.
We also recommend adding some CBD into these activities; it can help you in many ways! Whether you want more relaxation, lessened anxiety or muscle recovery, CBD is there for you.
3. Focus on Your Health
It’s easy to fall back on unhealthy habits when we’re extra stressed and anxious. Don’t stress about every single thing you eat, but stay mindful of what you put into your body. Whether it’s including a fruit or veggie in every meal, drinking several bottles of water a day, mindfully snacking or intermittent fasting, do what feels good to you.
A healthy diet is more than just food; it includes exercise. Even though gyms aren’t open everywhere, you can find plenty of at home workouts to do. Take a walk or jog in your neighborhood or try some yoga at a park.
Take time to try out natural remedies as well such as herbal teas or CBD. Brands like CAASI are perfect to mix into any food or beverage because of the mild taste and high versatility. As mentioned previously, CBD is a natural stress reliever. However, it’s also anti-inflammatory and can even lower high blood pressure, both great things for a healthy lifestyle.

Great and well thought out article on living each day to the fullest
Keep it going.
Great and well thought out article on living each day to the fullest
Keep it going.